The phenomenon experienced by astronauts when they see planet Earth from space for the first time is called the Overview Effect. It is said to change one's perspective of the Earth and all mankind living on it.

Two photographers - Daniel Rosengren and Pete Jones - make use of this effect without showing a single picture taken from space. On the contrary: they combine different photographs and point of views, which at first glance often do not fit together at all, to create a new, unprecedented view of the world. 

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Zustimmen & anzeigen

Film: Sciencetelling.de / Schnitt: Christian Danner / Duration: 2:57 min 

About us

We are passionate about photography and travel. Daniel Rosengren takes pictures animals and nature around the world. Pete Jones photographs tiny details on banknotes from around the world. During the pandemic, travel is out of the question..

This is how the idea for this project came about.

Exhibitions from fall 2021

With the aim of stimulating conversation and exchange between the sciences, the arts and the public.